“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Thank you for your interest in giving to St Mary's. We are incredibly grateful for all those who continue to support the work of the church. Our community only exists because of the great generosity of people like you.
The Bible clearly teaches that God has entrusted us with all we own and He expects us to be generous with what He has given us, especially with our money. In fact, Jesus spoke about being generous with our money more than any other moral issue. For this reason we believe it is important to give generously to the work of the church and to those in need in our community.
Whilst there is no fixed amount Christians are required to give, the principle of tithing (giving 10% of income) is found in the Bible as well as in the practice of the early Christians so this is a good starting point from which to grow your giving.
The most straightforward way to give is to set up a standing order via your bank. If you would like to give in this way please click the “Get in Touch” button below and someone will get in touch with you regarding bank details.
You can also give by card, cheque or cash in church.
However you choose to give to St Mary's, if you pay Income or Capital Gains tax in the UK we can claim 25% extra back from HMR&C at no cost to you. (So for every £1 you donate, HMR&C add 25p so we actually receive £1.25.)
To enable us to do this please get in touch and we can send you the form.
If you would prefer to give a one off gift now please click the button below.