In the lead up to Easter we will be looking at The Gospel According to Matthew. Running for eleven weeks, this series will take us on a journey through Jesus’ life and teaching, culminating in his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and the joy of his resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Here is the schedule of readings:
9 February
Matthew 1:1-17
The Family of God
16 February
Matthew 4:12-25
The Kingdom is Near
23 February
Matthew 5:1-16
The Upside-Down Kingdom
2 March
Matthew 5:38-48
The Call to Radical Love
9 March
Matthew 6:5-15
The Lord’s Prayer
16 March
Matthew 8:23-34
The Power of the Kingdom
23 March
Matthew 22:1-14
The Invitation to the Banquet
30 March
Matthew 18:21-35
The Heart of Forgiveness
6 April
Matthew 22:34-46
The Great Commandment
13 April
Matthew 21:1-17
The King Enters His City
20 April
Matthew 28:1-10
The Risen King