Bishop Graham draws on Paul's Letter to the Ephesians: when we are root our lives deeply in Christ's love we can achieve more than we could ever have asked or imagined.
Paul reminds the the gentiles that Jesus, through his death and resurrection, has broken the walls of enmity and division between God and between his people. We are all, because of this, one family of God, a new creation, a new humanity.
Jesus came to bring light into the darkness, just as God had done at the creation. At this year’s Festival of Carols and Readings Laura invites us to experience the everlasting light of Jesus.
In the forth sermon of the Parables series, Laura tells us that the central message of the Parable of the Unjust Judge is to pray persistently. Prayer changes everything.
In the final sermon of the series where we have been looking at the Book of Joshua, Laura tells us of the importance of passing on our faith to the next generation and encouraging one another.
On Easter Day, Laura tells us that the transforming power of the resurrection is not just for those who witnessed the empty tomb - it is for all of us today.