In the forth sermon of the Parables series, Laura tells us that the central message of the Parable of the Unjust Judge is to pray persistently. Prayer changes everything.
Vineyard Workers
Mustard Seed & Yeast
The Good Samaritan
Colossians VII
Colossians VI
Colossians V
Colossians IV
Colossians III
Colossians II
Colossians I
Passing on the Legacy
Conquering Challenges
The Foundation of Faith
The Battle of Jericho
Failures & Renewed Committment
Crossing the Jordan
Archdeacon Richard explores the themes in Joshua surrounding the crossing of the River Jordan. The contents of the Ark of the Covenant have relevance today: the tablets remind us that we need guidance, the jar of manna reminds us that God sustains us, and the staff reminds us that God has rescued us in Jesus Christ.